Thursday, December 23, 2010

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Monday, November 29, 2010

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Monday, May 24, 2010

Goin Postal

as in many things in life words and their meanings change over time. Example sucks, it meant one thing when I was young, now it just sucks! Goin Postal was taboo, even in a joking manner at the PO, but it too has changed. Management is Goin Postal. They don't know a damn thing about what they are doing, what is realistic, what are people skills and don't have a clue about common sense. How long do the employees have to put up with management Goin Postal? They claim to want to run this like a business, where are the business degrees? Even the top dog claims that if nothing is done by 2020, we will be Xdollars in the hole? Well, bud, if you don't do something now, today, tommorrow you are the one who shouldn't have a job, but your Goin Postal is very likely to cost me my job! This once was a secure job, now it can be in the wind because of management Goin Postal! Your butt kissing, numbers playing will be the end, I just hope you will be gone before me!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

How I spent my spring vacation

Saturday - 80 degrees, clear - trees, flowers starting to blume, visiting family and friends!

Sunday - 80 degrees, visiting friends, getting used to old neighborhood

Monday - 80 degrees, visiting friends

Tuesday - 80 degrees, visiting friends

Wednesday - 80 degrees, visiting friends

Thursday - 80 degress, visiting friend, getting inked today!

Can't ask for more than this, excellent weather, excellent friends & family