Wednesday, April 22, 2009

He Will Be Turning Over In His Grave!

I been wanting to Ramble On about this for awhile, wasn't sure what to call it, still not sure! I would like to start something here about work. I'm thinking of mainy two categories, or two types. One, something we find humorous being postal workers, and Two something so outrageous being done at work, that makes you want to STAND UP AND SHOUT! This can be done when you see as needed, who knows maybe down the road, we will have a collection and publish! A new Top Ten!

I have to start with the number Two type, real number two doo-doo. A real STINKER!

Just before ending my shift a member of the SPBS crew approaches me with an Express, nothing new. Upon quick examination I realize that it is cremated remains from Boxwell Brothers. Yes, the great leadership of the USPS has decided to have cremated remains to go Express Mail. Past policy was Registered only, you know secure, hand to hand transactions!
I have only been given a one line type of regulation, saying it's OK to Express. I have tried and tried, from the MDO to Management to get all of the regulations, they are either uncapable or unwilling to do so, or both.

OK, this package was mailed from the GMF window unit, I'm asking how did it get to the SPBS to begin with? Not having worked in this operation, I can only wonder how many times this package has been thrown and how roughed up while there. The only markings only this package was the Express Mail label. Having been a window clerk, I can recognize cremated remains. Now, having this mixed with Express Mail, well I know it will be thrown around some more.

THERE OUGHT TO BE A LAW for this, not postal bs, a real law. Do we NOT RESPECT those who have passed on? With any new regulation one, with any type of common sense would think that all the bases would be covered, before enacting a new regulation. You would have to think of all of scenerios, yes there are stupid people out there, we need just to look around. How about having waiver of signature, and left on porch. Dogs would attack it, smells good to me! Or sudden snow storm, yes those do happen, and package not found.

I have thought of a new word, please the more input, the better. POSTUPIDITY, postal stupid, used to use Postal Logic, we have goned way beyond that.

An example of a type One would be; Having returned from vacation, yes I still call it vacation, refusing to give in to Postal Terminalogy, a co-worker asked how was it? (the vacation spent away) Not be on best terms with this co-worker, I tried the ever popular, short & sweet answer, too short. This was followed by, so what does the Phoenix Post Office look like? Having worked here for this long, that did not surprise me. I informed co-worker that I do my best to avoid even the local Post Office, while out of these walls. What was going through my mind was, does he visit the "local" Post Offices while he is on vacation!!!!

Yes, I can see a New York Times Top Ten Best Seller here!

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