Thursday, April 23, 2009

Mis-management or..............

I've been working here since 1981. After the almighty "90 days" I became a steward. I could see many things that needed improvement. There are a couple of things to which I can understand why the language was written that way, but disagreed with and still do.

I was told by one of the best Union Representatives ever, Mr Peter Vogel, that management has the right to mismanage. Yes, they are running the ship, but I was thinking, as I am now, how far does the language take it. My thoughts are that if their "mismanagement" leads to the distruction of the company, well that is no longer a "right", but an abuse. They should be held accountable for their actions!!!! For the total lack of accountability, they, just like the private sector, have cashed in on the cash cow. They have very deep pockets. Do they realize what they are doing? Sure, I say. Since the "bonuses" were first issued it has been a numbers game. Don't be naive to think that they don't know who will be working in the next 90 days, the next year, the next five years. They have a printout, they have the numbers.

The other thing that caught me off guard, when I started, was the supervisors. I have had a few jobs in my time and the supervisors always were the best workers, hey, they did a job and supervised. We have people not only who can not do a job, and surely are unable to supervise!
June 28th, 2007, as if I don't remember it, I was called into office for doing my job. I have a major dispatch, a truck was late and needed help. I got the help myself, to get the job done. Little Mis-management was very loudly ranting and raving on the workroom floor and I was called into office. First words out of her mouth "I didn't realize a truck was late" End of meeting, eh? NO! She continued her ranting and raving, and when I had enough, trying real hard not to say what was really on my mind, said "you really don't know what goes on over there", her response was, "I DON'T HAVE TO KNOW YOUR JOB TO BE YOUR SUPERVISOR". How do you respond to that, without getting fired! I went silent. She was furious, "this is a two-way conversation", no little mis-management, this is you bitching at me for me doing my job, probably saving your ass at the same time.

Maybe that one needs to go under my other blog.

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